You can’t make decisions based on 40,000 pages of paper, McNamara was wrong
MCNEIL: … the budget system got pretty complicated under [Robert] McNamara. It took them years to wake up to the fact that he was not […]
MCNEIL: … the budget system got pretty complicated under [Robert] McNamara. It took them years to wake up to the fact that he was not […]
Jared Serbu: You already have the problem of DoD having the build a budget that they are not going to execute on for another two […]
I was pleased to have Russell Rumbaugh join me on the Acquisition Talk podcast to discuss some of the most fundamental issues facing defense management. […]
Litton Industries became the first conglomerate to preach the gospel of management controls. Lacking either the experience or training to evaluate the performance of so […]
McNamara confirmed that each major weapon system development program and all basic and applied research programs would be examined at their inception as well as […]
So the program budget may become, not an information system, but an approved five-year plan that serves as an instrument of control. This arrangement can […]
The judgement inherent in this balancing of programs and systems can no longer be intuitive or rely on past experience alone. The range of choice […]
It has been suggested in some quarters that I am unwilling to decentralize decision-making authority. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I strongly believe […]
Today, most of our defense funds are appropriated not to the Secretary of Defense but rather to the military departments. The Secretary of Defense and […]
Programs like MBT-70, C-5A, and the F-111 get defended before Congress and the American public-whatever their problems in performance, cost, and schedule slippages-simply because the […]
In an essay published in 1978, the highly regarded historian John Lukacs argues for history that is “microcosmic and sociographic, not sociological and generalizing.” By […]
After a 2009 law increased centralization of defense acquisition decisions, reform began to swing in the other direction starting around 2015. The new emphasis is […]
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