Acquisition headlines

The last tank has left Marines Corps base 29 Palms, soon the entire service. “The Marine Corps plans to eventually divest the entirety of its M1 fleet, more than 400 vehicles in total, as part of the new Force Design 2030 plans.”

Financial pressures on Boeing’s commercial biz results in another $155M charge for the KC-46 tanker. “In short, because Boeing’s commercial plane production has slowed down, it’s costing more to produce the KC-46.” But future contracts will be based on higher current costs, which they could win out on.

Texas firm develops adaptable satellites with fast software upgrades. “Pushing a software update to traditional satellites can take months, Lamm said, and the industry generally does that once or twice a year. Chameleon’s goal is to enable updates in just a few minutes.”

Startups need free data to work with Army: Venture Capitalists. Near the top of his investors’ wishlist… is removing “a lot of the friction necessary to get innovation into the government without having to be directly aligned or affiliated with the big solution integrators.”

Do we believe in UFOs? Thats the wrong question. “So if U.F.O.s are no longer a matter of belief, what are they and how do they do what they do?”

BAE Systems completes $1.9 billion acquisition of Raytheon’s military GPS business. “The business boasts more than 1.5 million GPS devices installed on more than 280 weapons systems.”

Air Force moves to enact space acquisition reforms, despite hold up of legislative proposal. “[It’s] still not on the hill. I’m a little frustrated by that, but I think we’re very close with OMB at this point and I think we’re just about there.”

Lawmakers want economic recovery plan for cyber ‘day after’. “One thing the pandemic has taught us is the unthinkable can happen.”

Diteching legacy systems will require adjusting some regulations, experts say. “Most procurement officers will insist on putting something in a procurement that says, ‘only a company that has done a project of this size in the past,’” Pahlka said. “Well, that’s very anti-competitive, and it really means that that will then only be able to go to probably two companies.”

ComNavOps: Battleship UAVs “The Navy needs to get serious about determining the survivability and effectiveness of UAVs in a peer combat scenario before we commit them to war.” And Command & Control “a future peer war is going to degenerate into local command despite our best efforts.”

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