Acquisition headlines

U.S. judge puts Amazon challenge to Pentagon JEDI contract on hold. Amazon “likely” to succeed on protest started in November.

Time for DoD to cancel JEDI, ride the CIA’s cloud coattails. Wouldn’t that be mostly like giving the JEDI award to Amazon, which runs C2S? Perhaps that’s changing: CIA long relied exclusively on Amazon for its cloud computing. Now it is seeking multiple providers for a massive new contract.

Missiles Out, Ventilators In: Israeli Defense Contractors Answer the Coronavirus Call. Not surprising that Israel’s defense sector would be more nimble.

Watch Rocket Lab’s Mid-Air Recovery That’s Earned the Praise of Elon Musk. It “successfully recovered one of its vehicles using a helicopter.”

Rocket Report: Russia suspends Soyuz production, OneWeb seeks a rescue. Some other interesting parts: “During a Twitter discussion on Wednesday night, SpaceX founder Elon Musk said it now costs less to insure his company’s Falcon 9 rocket than the Atlas V produced by United Launch Alliance.” Also, “The US Space Force awarded a $35 million task order to VOX Space this week for three launches to deliver 44 small satellites to low Earth orbit.”

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