Here is a shell of a defense acquisition history reading list. A lot more to add and organize.
Of course, the first place to start is the DoD acquisition history series.
My acquisition history paper is here, it synthesizes a lot of information.
Some favorites include:
- Roherty, Decisions of McNamara (
Decisions-Robert-S-McNamara- )Secretary/dp/0870241516 - Ries, The Management of Defense (
Management-Defense- )Organization-Control-Services/ dp/0801805570 - Murdock, Defense policy formulation (
Defense-Policy-Formation- )Comparative-Analysis/dp/ 0873952529 - Rockwell, The Rickover Effect (
Rickover-Effect-How-Made- )Difference/dp/0595252702
PPBE Reform Reading list:
- Frederick Mosher, (1954) Program Budgeting: Theory and Practice with Particular Reference to the U.S. Department of the Army.
- Frederick Mosher, (1967) “Program Budgeting in Foreign Affairs: Some Reflections”
- Frederick Mosher, (1967) “PPBS: Two Questions.” Letter to Editor-in-Chief, Public Administration Review, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, March 1967
- Allan Schick, (1966) “The Road to the PPB: The Stages of Budget Reform.”
- Allan Schick, (2014) “The Metamorphoses of Performance Budgeting”
- Aaron Wildavsky, (1966) “The Political Economy of Efficiency: Cost-Benefit Analysis, Systems Analysis, and Program Budgeting.” Public Administration Review, Vol XXVI, No. 4, Dec. 1966.
- Aaron Wildavsky, (1969) “Rescuing Policy Analysis from PPBS.”
- Aaron Wildavsky, (1970) “PPB: Two Replies” Public Administration Review, Vol. 30, No. 2.
- Aaron Wildavsky, (1978) “Policy Analysis is What Information Systems Are Not.”
- Aaron Wildavsky, (1986) Budgeting: A Comparative Theory of Budgetary Processes
- Demarest, Heidi, (2011) “The Budget Paradox: Simultaneous Stability and Volatility in the Army’s Budget.”
- Eric Lofgren, (2020) The DoD Budget Process: The Next Frontier of Acquisition Reform.
- Eric Lofgren, (2017) A History of Thought in Defense Acquisition.
- Eric Lofgren, (2018) Cost and Competition in US Defense Acquisition.
- Eric Lofgren, (2018) Processes of Weapon Systems Innovation.
- Chris Paparone, (2008) PPBE: A Red or a Blue Pill? Can Defense Sensemakers Really be Rational in a Hyperturbulent World?
- Jackson Committee Hearings, (1967-1970) “Planning, Programming, Budgeting: Inquiry of the Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations.”
- L.R. Jones and Jerry McCaffery, (2006) “Reform of the Planning, Programming, Budgeting System, and Management Control in the U.S. Department of Defense: Insights from Budget Theory.”
- Kenneth White Jr, (1972) “PPBS and Policy Analysis: Are They Really Incompatible?”
- Clark Murdock, (1974) Defense Policy Formation: A Comparative Analysis of the McNamara Era. Albany, State University of New York Press, 1974.
- James Roherty, (1970) Decisions of Robert S. McNamara: A Study of the Role of the Secretary of Defense. University of Miami Press, Coral Gables, FL.
- James Schlesinger, (1968) Defense Planning and Budgeting: The Issue of Centralized Control.
- Hitch and McKean, (1960) The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age
- Robert McNamara, Charles Hitch, Alan Enthoven, (1966) A modern design for Decision Decision: A McNamara-Hitch-Enthoven anthology.
- Charles Hitch, (1966) Decision-Making for Defense
- Stephanie Young, (2009) “Power and the Purse: Defense Budgeting and American Politics, 1947-1972.”, Doctor of Philosophy in History in the Graduate Division of the University of California, Berkeley.
- Bill Greenwalt and Dan Patt, (2021) Competing in Time: Ensuring Capability Advantage and Mission Success through Adaptable Resource Allocation
- Pete Modigliani, Matt MacGregor, Dan Ward, (2021) Five by Five: Five Disciplines and Five Strategic Initiatives for the Pentagon in the Digital Age.
- David Novick (ed.), (1967) Program Budgeting: Program Analysis in the Federal Budget, 2nd edition.
- Fred Thompson, “Public Economics and Public Administration.”
- Alain Enthoven and K.V. Smith, (1971) How Much is Enough? Shaping the Defense Program, 1961-1969
Cost and Pricing Reading List:
- Captialism without Capital: The Rise of the Intangible Economy. This is a great resource for understanding why intangible capital (software, data, product design, enterprise tools, etc.) are very different from an economic standpoint than industrial-era hardware.
- The End of Accounting. This also addresses intangibles, but specifically for the case of financial reporting. Now, this is at a different level than managerial/cost accounting from which products may be priced. But the same principles apply. Financial accounting as a proxy for company valuation, and cost accounting as a proxy for product value. They have very interesting data and recommendations. Also, they have a blog.
- Relevance Lost: Rise and Fall of Managerial Accounting. Great book on how cost accounting has declined in relevance to making important firm decisions like pricing.
- Information Rules. There’s a link to download the whole book as a PDF here. This is a seminal economics book on the information economy, including a lot on pricing. Hal Varian, btw, helped solve Google’s ad words pricing auction and is their chief economist.
- LSE Essays on Cost. This is some super deep economics here on the meaning of opportunity cost and why Government’s pricing practices are ill-founded. Read the essays by Buchanan, Robbins, Thirlby (Subjective theory of value), Wiseman (Uncertainty, cost, and collectivist) and Coase.
- Read some of Arnold Kling’s blog posts that discuss why “price discrimination explains everything.” This is an important complement to what is learned in Information Rules.
Other goodies:
- Gansler, Democracy’s Arsenal (
books/democracys-arsenal ) - Hughes, Systems, Experts, and Computers (
books/systems-experts-and- )computers - Fitzgerald, High Priests of Waste (
Priests-Waste-Ernest- )Fitzgerald/dp/0393053598 - Melman, Permanent War Economy (
Permanent-War-Economy- )American-Capitalism/dp/ 0671222619 - McNaugher, New Weapons Old Politics (
Weapons-Old-Politics- )Procurement/dp/0815756259 - Rich, Skunk Works (
Works-Personal-Memoir- )Lockheed/dp/0316743003
Program Histories
- Sapolsky, Fleet Ballistic Missile (
catalog.php?isbn=9780674432703 ) - Orr, Hornet (
Hornet-Inside-Story-F-18- )ebook/dp/B00KQ6PKH6 - Bugos, F-4 Phantom II (
Engineering-F-4-Phantom-II- )Systems/dp/1557500894 - Stevenson, Pentagon Paradox (
Pentagon-Paradox-Development- )F-18-Hornet/dp/1557507759/ref= sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords= stevenson+f-18&qid=1612377282& s=books&sr=1-2 - Stevenson, $5B misunderstanding (
Billion-Misunderstanding- )Collapse-12-Stealth/dp/ 1557507775 - Whittle, The Dream Machine (
Machine-Untold-History- )Notorious/dp/1416562966 - Whittle, Predator (
Predator-Secret-Origins-Drone- )Revolution/dp/B01LTHXKC2
Check out these RAND authors:
- Armen Alchian (
authors/a/alchian_armen_ )albert.html - Robert Perry (
authors/p/perry_robert_l.html ) - Arthur Alexander (
authors/a/alexander_arthur_j. )html - Burton Klein (
authors/k/klein_burton_h.html )
In relation to silicon valley, Steve Blanks A Secret History is great: