Please join me and Matt MacGregor for a virtual session hosted by the NatSecGirlSquad on the topic of budget reform. Here’s a quick synopsis:
The budget process is the “master controller” of virtually everything that is done in the Department of Defense, and yet it hasn’t seen real reform since 1961. Recently, the Space Force and the draft FY21 National Defense Authorization Act have highlighted the budget as an important next step for accelerating innovation. But what these initiatives are missing is a clear understanding of the history — and a coherent vision of the future — of budget reform. Join us for a conversation about how we can tackle the most difficult aspect of acquisition reform by creating an equitable process that puts people and organizations first!
Would love it if you could join! Ask all the hard questions you can muster! We’re looking to improve our recommendations and start moving the ball forward. Transparency will have to be a major part of it. You can join for free at this link. It all starts on June 29 at 1pm EST. Here’s a teaser of one of the slides:

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