The U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) has taken an interest in research by the University of Missouri into crafting cloak-like structures that can steer mechanical wave energy around objects, protecting them from blasts, shockwaves, earthquakes or vibration. The structures aren’t merely deflectors like armor. Instead, they have the potential to make a component, a submarine, or a bridge effectively invisible to mechanical energy.
… The lattice design incorporates a complex combination of shapes, gaps, and curves – structural geometry that breaks the symmetry of the surface, steering mechanical waves around the object it cloaks.”
That was a very interesting article, The Army is funding research into a structural cloak of invisibility to protect soldiers, vehicles and more. It’s theoretically possible, but very difficult to fabricate. It can also make systems lighter, and possibly cloak against light or acoustic waves.
I’ve been hearing about this for a few years now, still sounds almost too sci-fi to be true, but I’m sure the idea of television and many other things was exactly the same until they became commonplace.
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