Another example of smarter acquisition is Agility Prime, a non-traditional program seeking to operationalize commercial electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) vehicles (i.e., “flying cars”) for military missions and potentially accelerating the emerging commercial market. The Department of the Air Force has unique testing and safety resources—and revenue generating military use cases—to help mitigate present commercial market and regulatory risks.
Agility Prime will use these resources, vice significant R&D funding, to attract investors, build confidence, and hopefully expedite commercialization, all while providing warfighters with revolutionary flexibility for numerous missions. Transforming our acquisition system from a mere purchaser to an innovation partner is key for accelerating dual-use technology and countering the advantages of state-sponsored industrial bases. We appreciate the support of Congress on this effort, including the additional $25 million it appropriated in the FY20 Defense Bill.
That was Air Force acquisition chief Will Roper testifying to Congress on Feb 27, 2020, ” Air Force Projection Forces Aviation Programs and Capabilities Related to the 2021 President’s Budget Request.” Roper expanded on that effort a little the next day at the 2020 Air Warfare Symposium.
I presume the program will use either unfunded Other Transactions or Cooperative Research and Development Agreements.
I see this as another instance of the Air Force moving in the direction of “in-house” production. The Air Force is realizing it can use its existing assets and high status within the government to accelerate commercial development which may be dual use. In the case of eVTOL, the government offers test ranges, safety assurance services, and a partnership.
That is very different than the government sitting down and thinking what it would want an eVTOL to do and how it should look, then releasing an contract solicitations, and so forth.
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