Companies may apply to increase the Phase II funding for a maximum period of 48 months, with a minimum funding increase amount of $3,000,000. There is no stated maximum. All awards under this funding option are subject to review by the Air Force SBIR/Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program Office, AFRL/SB, and the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). Please note this solicitation is the first of its kind…
A notional funding increase arrangement is as follows:
One (1) part minimum of $3,000,000 SBIR ‘matching’ funds;
One (1) part*USAF funds, e.g., System Program Office, MAJCOM, etc.; and
Two (2) parts *private funding (See USAF RAPID Guidelines below)
That was from an AFWERX solicitation using small business funding, via Michael Kunkler on LinkedIn. Here is his comment:
And our last announcement: Air Force hashtagAFWERX is now going to match VC .5:1 with NO/NO cap. To all the SBIR haters that said, “$1.5m is too small…” How about $15m or $150m? Gotta play to win, starts with Phase I…
Eric and All,
Agree AFWERX accelerator-model $50K cohort awards with SIGNIFICANT “valley of death” plus-up
funding potential compared to the historical AF SBIR program is unique but just wanted to note,
for the benefit of the “historical” SBIR/STTR program(s) 😎 that HHS/NIH (through NIAID) SBIR/STTR Program had a $600K PH I and $3M Phase II for some time (with no match required and standard program POPs). PS: I realize HHS/NIH is not DOD, which appears to be this site’s primary funding domain. I look forward to reviewing your impressive site and podcasts.