“George Mason University Center for Government Contracting and Defense Acquisition University are co-hosting a first-time conference geared toward the government contracting community.” I’ll be there, hope you are too!
Every Part of the Supply Chain Can Be Attacked
It looks like the Navy got its Super Hornets and EA-18Gs up to 80 percent readiness. Naval Aviation Achieves SECDEF Readiness Target, Shifts Focus to Readiness Sustainment.
“When designing its next-generation, multi-domain command-and-control vision, the Air Force is looking to a perhaps unlikely example: Uber.” See link here.
Nice overview of acquisition reform status: USD(A&S) Ellen Lord On Acquisition Reforms and Innovation.
DOD Issues Final Rule Restricting Use of LPTA Source Selection Procedures
Views on Kessel Run: “Successfully demonstrating continuous delivery is basically the holy grail of software development, and Kessel Run did it. The FCW article is correct — this is a really big deal. This success also sets high expectations for future performance, so Kessel Run is almost certainly perched on the Peak of Inflated Expectations right now.”
Views on bombers: “If an aircraft like the B-1 was taxed so hard due to high demand, the appropriate lesson is that the nation needs more bombers, not less.”
“From weaponized hobby drones, to artillery shells, to low-flying fighters and cruise missiles, U.S. ground forces are alarmingly vulnerable.” Link is here.
Agile worries grow: As Agile is increasingly seen as the standard way to manage work in the 21st Century, we are seeing more and more “Agile in name only” or “fake Agile”.
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