Confessions Of A U.S. Marine F/A-18 Hornet Maintainer.
Boeing says it has successfully completed the first test flight of a prototype for its autonomous passenger air vehicle, which could start carrying riders as early as next year.
After raising eyebrows in Congress last year with an upper-end cost of about $950 million per hull for the second ship and beyond, the Navy is now saying that figure could be closer to $800 million. — On the FFG(X).
The Federal Circuit’s decision threatens the continued vitality of software innovation… If APIs can be restricted by copyright, then every significant computer program could have legal landmines lurking inside of it.
Is China really building two stealth bombers? And they tell us that bombers are too expensive to do competitive prototyping, let alone developments. Still, lots of unknowns about those Chinese programs.
The US is running out of bombs — and it may soon struggle to make more. Its an interesting problem to have $20 billion for munitions and almost no suppliers willing to step in.
“By law, Title 10 Acquisition Authority flows through the defense acquisition executive, through the Secretary of the Army, to the service’s acquisition executive, which in this case is Dr. Jetty, down to PEOs, down to PMs. That is Title 10, and that is exactly what the Army is going to do.”
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