Update on the readiness crisis. It does exist. Navy F-35s at 15% readiness. How will you get to 80% from there? And three attack subs not certified to dive. “While maintenance backlogs continue to be felt across the services, the Navy in particular has lost more than 27,000 days of ship and submarine availability due to maintenance delays since 2012.” Hmm… 27K days over 300 ships over 6 years… 15 days a year per ship? Half a month per ship of maintenance delays? I’m sure that wasn’t evenly spread, however.
“Wilson cited jamming techniques used by Russia against Ukraine, as well as in Syria, as models for how threats are advancing.” That was from a Military.com article on electronic warfare.
More on the JEDI cloud computing saga. Oracle accuses DOD officials of having significant conflicts of interest with Amazon.
Is there an aviation crisis? Warplane accidents have gone up 39% since 2013 budget cuts.
Can the DOD become an attractive customer?
Good update on the revolving door stats. 380 top defense officials went to lobbyists, and 645 to major firms. Stats from POGO. Here’s some industry criticism: The report “creates a false premise that a revolving door is a bad thing,” said Executive Vice President and Counsel Alan Chvotkin. “In fact, with appropriate controls it is a good thing, and not just in the government contractors space…”
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